Beachside Vacation Lifestyle 2019-20 | 27 WHITE BABY EAR White baby ears (Sinum per- spectivum) are characterized by their flattened spire and dull-white or slightly stained color. Animals inhabiting the shells have white bodies and look like poached eggs. EASTERN AUGER Sharp, small and gray to orange-white in color – with beaded spiral bands marking the spaces between whorls – the eastern auger (Terebra dislocata) is sure to make it into your take- home stash for its beauty. HUMPHREY’S WENTLETRAP You’ll think you’ve found a tiny sea castle when your eye happens to land on the ever- so-cute Humphrey’s wentle- trap (Epitonium humphreysii). This wentletrap has eight to nine thick, rounded ribs on the body whorl. THICK-LIP DRILL Often called an “oyster drill” and formally known as Eupleura caudata, this spindle-shaped, small shell grows less than 2 inches in length and has 9-12 ridges running from top to bottom. The outside is usually tan or gray, while the inside progresses into purple. INCONGRUOUS ARK Thin-shelled with prominent radial ribs like embossed dash- es, incongruous arks (Scaphar- ca brasiliana) scatter across the beach; you’ve likely picked up a bucket-full or two in your lifetime. HORSE CONCH This conch (Triplofusus giganteus) cannot be missed with its huge size, growing up to 2 feet in length – deeming it the largest living snail in North America and the sec- ond-largest snail in the world. ANGEL WING Angel wings, (Cyrtopleura costata), resemble exactly what the name implies and grow up to 5 inches in length, are usually white in color and are very fragile – making it a rarity to find them in one piece on the beach. BANDED TULIP Smooth and colored cream to light gray with orange or gray splotches and distinctly fine spiral lines of reddish brown, the banded tulip (Fas- ciolaria lilium) might be just as great a find as plucking a real tulip from a garden. STIFF PEN SHELL One of the largest shells on the Carolinas, growing up to 10 inches in length, the stiff pen shell – also known as the rigid pen shell (Atrina rigida) – is fan shaped and brittle. … So, while you’ll often see a rigid pen shell, you will likely find it broken. ELEGANT DOSINIA Also just called the disk shell, the elegant dosinia (Dosinia elegans) is a flat, white, circular shell measuring up to 3 inches with numerous fine concentric lines. Photo by J. Duane Sept. Photo by James St. John. Photo by . Photo by Edwardtbabinski. Photo by James St. John. WILD DUNES Photo by T.Voekler. Photo by James St. John.