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Page Background Publisher’s Note ...................................................................................................................... 5 Facetime Meet a few of your Isle Of Palms neighbors – Elizabeth Shirley, Geri D’Italia, Michael Fitzgerald, Rini Kosmos.......................................................................................................... 7 most eXPeNsiVe homes Getting ready to sell or looking to buy? Check out the market on the Isle Of Palms first..................................................................................................................................... 24 about eVerYthiNG a FelloWcaN hoPe For Though he was born and raised in the North Carolina Mountains, Clay Cable has lived for nearly 60 years in a place where others spend thousands of dollars to visit for a week. ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 maKiNGmemories – start at the ioP mariNa An idyllic summer trip to the Isle Of Palms is the source of countless nostalgic memories for both young and old: the smell of salt air seducing your nostrils; the feel of silky sand or sticky pluffmud beneath your feet and between your toes; innovative and not-so-well-thought-out sand castles; floats; fishing; boating; beach games; watersports; andmore......................................................................................................................... 13 10thiNGsYou NeeDto KNoW For aN amaZiNG beachVacatioN Do you need a beach chair or an umbrella? Are you looking for a place to eat, play or be pampered? Here are 10 things you need to know to make your beach vacation amazing. ................................................................................................................................. 16 a DoGGoNe GooDtime oNthe isle oF Palms There are few things better than a day at the beach with your dog. Here’s the scoop on how to enjoy the Isle Of Palms evenmore. ......................................................................... 19 saNDbetWeeNYourtoes –WeDDiNGs oNthe isle oF Palms Beach weddings take place year-round, but summer is prime season on the Isle Of Palms and other local beaches. ....................................................................................................... 20 looKiNG bacK at hurricaNe huGo’s DeVastatioN Four days after Hugo swept across the Carolina coast, a group of Isle Of Palms residents returned to the island to see what was left of their homes. Here’s a first- person account of what they found.............................................................................................. 22 a culiNarYtreasure oNthe islaND: the reFuGe Just over the IOP connector, a new oasis sits almost hidden in the back corner. The Refuge brings something new and sophisticated to the island, without ever taking itself too seriously................................................................................................................................... 18




Table of ConTenTs





Vol. 2, Issue 2

summer 2016


In Good Taste